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Our courses

ACESS Tutorial

Staff will learn how to utilize ACESS and use of mobile cards.


30 Minutes

Training Credit

Child Welfare Training Hours

Agency and Criminal Record Clearances for Relative Caregivers

This training will focus on the process of completing an agency background clearance and will also provide staff with guidance related to reading criminal record results.


30 Minutes

Training Credit

Child Welfare Training Hours

Alternative Care Policies and Forms

This course provide a general overview of forms used by Direct Services Providers providing supervision and support to children and youth placed in Special Care Settings for the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services.


1 Hour(s)

Training Credit

Child Welfare Training Hours

Art Projects that Build Self Esteem

Participants will learn how to make 3 creative projects that help children and teens reflect on their personality, establish a personal motto, and create a vision for their future. Specifically, they will learn to make a Name-Poem (acrostic poem), a Coat-of-Arms and a Vision Board. These projects are fun for people of every age and help promote self-esteem. The training session will show samples, teach how-to make each project, and explain the importance of these tools for personal growth. Foster parents will be able to teach these techniques to the children in their homes far into the future. Supplies will be provided for early registrants, and a supply list for others.


5 Hour(s)

Training Credit

Foster Parent Training Hours

Assessing Poverty

This course is an introduction to the topic of the "Culture of Poverty" and is intended to assist New Child Welfare Workers in beginning to think about how poverty can impact the families they work with. It is a podcast from March 23, 2009 heard on NPR's Talk of the Nation. Sudhir Venkatesh, scholar and author, and William Julius Wilson, sociologist, are guests on this episode of Talk of the Nation.


45 Minutes

Training Credit

General Social Work CEUs

Assessing Safety in Child Welfare

This online training will provide an overview of changes in assessing safety in child welfare as we transition to Child Welfare Assessment and Decision Making (CWADM) Model. This online training prepares all child welfare staff for the system and policy changes that will align practice with the CWADM Model.


1 Hour(s)

Training Credit

General Social Work CEUs

Asthma and Diabetes Management

The purpose of this course is to provide stakeholders involved in the care of children who have diabetes or asthma a physiological overview of each condition. Participants will learn why these conditions are considered chronic and how symptoms are managed through consistent treatments. Also explored in this course are potential family, home, and economic issues that can affect treatment compliance and how stakeholders can address such issues to enhance treatment compliance.


1 Hour(s)

Training Credit

Child Welfare Training Hours

Avoiding Burnout: Exhibiting Ethical Self-Care

In this course, participants will explore the importance of exhibiting ethical self-care as a strategy to prevent and address workplace “Burnout," the overwhelming of an employee’s physical and mental health due to a demanding position. Course topics include recognizing the difference between job Burnout and other types of trauma, identifying early warning signs and symptoms of Burnout, and acknowledging Burnout's impact on individuals and organizations. Participants will also learn about the ethical effects of workplace Burnout when providing care through a review of the NASW Social Work Code of Ethics.


1 Hour(s)

Training Credit

Ethical Social Work CEUs

Building Resilience through Harm Reduction: Working with Sexually Exploited Youth and Young People

Harm reduction is a framework and a set of strategies used to meet the needs of youth and young people engaging in or experiencing in unsafe behaviors and circumstances including commercial sexual exploitation. This presentation will review the philosophy of harm reduction and why it is an effective strategy for youth-serving professionals when working with sexually exploited youth. Five high risk behaviors or experiences will be discussed (active exploitation, substance misuse, violent relationships, leaving care without permission, and dangerous cell phone/social mediause). Practical applications of harm reduction will be reviewed through lecture, reflection, and discussion.


2.75 Hour(s)

Training Credit

Clinical Social Work CEUs

Bullying 101

This training provides guidance on taking a public health approach to bullying prevention through the use of long-term, community-wide prevention strategies. This course is focused on long-term bullying prevention strategies. It is not intended to provide prescriptive step-by-step interventions. Research-based do's and dont's for addressing bullying on the spot as well as common strategies to avoid bullying will be discussed.


45 Minutes

Training Credit

General Social Work CEUs

Bullying 201: Cyberbullying

The rise of cyberbullying has raised concerns regarding the frequency of bullying, depression, and even suicide among children and adults. This course provides participants with a basic overview of cyberbullying, warning signs that children may be involved in cyberbullying, and how to report cyberbullying. Additional topics include: effects of cyberbullying on victims and bullies, guidelines for addressing cyberbullying cases, and prevention strategies.


45 Minutes

Training Credit

General Social Work CEUs

CCDM Field Leadership Training/CCDM Checkpoints & Huddles

The CCDM Leadership/Checkpoints and Huddles training is for all leaders in child welfare with staff utilizing the CCDM process and conducting huddles. In Module 1:CCDM Leadership Training, you will learn the key objectives of the CCDM process, critical process guidelines and how to best support staff in consulting cases with the CCDM team. In Module 2: Checkpoints and Huddles, you will learn principles of case flow management, how to conduct effective daily huddles and how to utilize the daily huddle report in your supervisory role.


3 Hour(s)

Training Credit

General Social Work CEUs

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